Thursday, September 24, 2009

Primed and not quite ready

This is the primer that I bought from Home Depot. It is multi use and I actually bought it to prime a couple of set of ikea shelves that I have that the blond wood is ultra annoying. I just haven't gotten around to clearing off the shelves to get them out to prime/paint. So it says on the side of the can for the primer to completely prime (*sorry not sure of the correct wording) the desk, to leave it for a week. Aggghhh. Seriously? So I am going to try to do that. I primed it yesterday Wednesday and I may cheat and paint it on Tuesday, as Wednesday will be busy and I don't see it getting done later next week. I am struggling now with the idea to do a stencil or something on the sides .. or to leave it. I guess we'll see how it all comes out. I am stressing about distressing the desk. I still have to buy the paint and the glaze.

The primed desk. The primer covered it very well. I was impressed. I used a foam roller with a rounded end to keep the primer going on even without leaving the slop that occurs on the end of the roller.

I have been looking for pulls for the drawers. Did you know that they are easily $5-9 each? There are $2 ones but lets face it, they look like $2 ones.

Here are the ones that I am leaning towards. Not sure which way to go. If you would be so kind to leave a comment in the comment section to let me know your idea, I'd love that

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